
Farm Photography: Tips

Pauline Rook is a former dairy farmer and top photographer. Her work is currently on display at Somerset Rural Life Museum. Farm Photography Weekly has received her top 10 tips for photography on the farm.

The exhibition Top and Soil, Somerset People in the Landscape is on display at the Glastonbury Museum until May 25th.

Pauline’s Top 6 Tips

1. Be ready for dirt and dust

Old clothes are best as dogs can jump up on you and may make it necessary to get down and walk through the mud. The lens cap should always be on your camera lens. In case of an unexpected dog attack, keep the camera strap around your neck. It has saved my camera more times than once.

2. Look before you shoot

Take a look around to see what’s most fascinating about farm photography. Are you looking for the stock, buildings, or the actual farm? Before you rush in to snap pictures, think carefully about what you are trying to capture.

3. Circle your target

Take a photo of whatever you are interested in. If you’re not bikers photography sure which angle is best, you can walk around the object to find out. It may surprise you how different photography session things look when viewed from a different angle and with different light sources.

4. Consider Background

Backgrounds can distract from a photograph. It is possible to take a photograph of a beautiful new tractor, only to discover that the background has piles of fertiliser bags. You can check the entire frame before you press the button. A tripod will help to avoid this.

5.Animal Magic

Farm photography is best if you have a plain background. Avoid any ‘half-animals’ at the sides of your picture. Photographing sheep in a well-arranged field is a good idea. Move slowly to get into position, but don’t make eye contact. You can look away and just watch where they are moving out of your corner. They will run away if you try to direct their attention.

6.Where’s the sun?

Photographs are best taken on bright, sunny days in summer. It will be difficult to manage the contrast between dark and light areas. For most photography, bright overcast days work best. See below.